Today’s Toronto Casseroles March (mainly leftovers)

The (very) small crowd…

I’ve just come back from tonight’s Toronto Casseroles march. The best way to explain it would be in the words of a person who I live with- leftovers. It appears that the people of Toronto are just not in the mood for a socialist revolution!

There were as many cops today as there were demonstrators. And, when the crowd finally decided to go out and march (at about 9pm), the police didn’t even bother to escort the crowd. I counted 42 people at today’s march- Vladimir Lenin must have been doing angry multiple rotations in his mausoleum tonight! Hell, not even the Bolsheviks decided to show-up! But, of course, there were a couple of idiots dressed-up in ninja costumes…

As many cops as demonstrators today…


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1 pings

    • kill whitey on June 25, 2012 at 01:17
    • Reply

    Where are the ninjas? D:

  1. […] Today’s Toronto Casseroles March (mainly leftovers)( […]

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