Today’s Toronto Casseroles- A Deflated Soufflé

I’ve just come back from Toronto’s casseroles march tonight- it was a beautiful evening for it, lovely weather. I Ieft early, at about 8:30- there were only about 125-150 people there at the time. This is a far-cry from the 600 who turned-up last week, and the 3,000 who showed-up the week before. It seems to me that the people of Toronto aren’t that enthusiastic about having a Marxist revolution.

The ghost of Vlad Lenin is rolling in his mausoleum…

After the march began, the police refused to let the marchers block the main streets. When you have a small crowd, the police end-up having more power. I’m not sure where all of the International Socialists were today, the Bolsheviks didn’t even show-up.

The Euro Cup is going on today- but, for some reason, I’m guessing Toronto’s Marxist community wasn’t watching…


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  1. Ours out here was pretty good, FINALLY they decided to be at City Hall, and they marched around THAT neighbourhood for a change, it wasn’t huge, but it was lively!

  2. Ours out here was pretty good, FINALLY they decided to be at City Hall, and they marched around THAT neighbourhood for a change, it wasn’t huge, but it was lively!

    • B Ford on June 14, 2012 at 16:51
    • Reply

    What Ruth calls “lively” many of us call senseless.

    I, for one, will not be attending any more “peaceful protests” in Vancouver unless there is a group within the protest tasked with making sure that needless violence perpetrated by masked thugs does not occur around families and children.

    I understand that some people are uncomfortable with that but if you won’t go to the police you must police yourselves.

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