I noticed this last night, but didn’t post until I could get confirmation. It has been confirmed this morning that Brandon Gray (not his real name, to be released later) was on-sight at Occupy Montreal’s Jail Solidarity event I wrote about in my last article. No wonder it was such a PR negative event!
So, not only is this PR genius screwing-up the good name of Occupy Toronto, now he has to go to Montreal and do the same idiotic stuff! What’s wrong with these people- don’t they want the Occupy movement to succeed?
When my source was asked how could a poor anarchist afford such a trip, his answer was quite a surprise. Apparently his wife, ‘Anarchist Ashley’ comes from quite wealthy stock! Here’s a picture of the lovely couple.

Anarchist Ashley & Brandon Gray At Occupy Toronto's Demonstration against police violence at the 52 Division Police station
So, we have the husband of an alleged ‘trust-fund kiddie’ (both are prominent Black Bloc anarchists) who is out there deliberately screwing-up demonstrations in both Occupy Toronto & Occupy Montreal. What the hell is their intention?
Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Related articles
- Occupy Toronto & Vancouver Tendencies Are Full Of Bolshevik! (Featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com)
- No Wonder They Are Having So Many Problems In Montreal! (genuinewitty.com)
- @OccupyStasi! (or, the group formerly known as @OccupyBayStreet…) (genuinewitty.com)
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What did they do? Call me dumb, but I missed the gist ‘of the problem’.
They acted like assholes in-front of the media…
Could it had been their emotions were just on the edge due to their thought patterns? Or does it seem like they are a part of a group trying to compromise the humility of the movement, perhaps for some personal gains or some hidden agenda?
Considering that Brandon was there, and he also humiliated Occupy Toronto, I’d sat it is the latter.
might you have facebook sir?
You can find me here:
Please ‘friend’ me, as I have been unable to get your link to work.
oh wow… lol I think we are friends on facebook!
Send me a message so I know who you are then. Thanks!
BTW I reblogged your blog AND shared it via facebook on various other groups n pages. Cheers m8.
-tips hat-
Thank you!
no problem0 comrad… use good guys need to ‘network’ against these old dumbasses that are trying to undermine society.
I work with several of the good guys in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and a couple of US occupations. Welcome to the team! ;-)
been at it hardcore since before egypt n libya! Thrilled to meet you northerners!
makes you wonder even more why harsha walia is using them like chess pieces on a board by putting the anarchists in the front lines. she’s such a friggen shill!
don’t forget hasha walia admitting to using the blac block like chess pieces on a board at protest rallies, putting them in the front lines. What a fucking bunch of shills and tools!
Thanx for the heads up Greg…I always find out something new when I visit your
site….keep up the good work my man.
You’re welcome! I appreciate the feedback…
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestDiggLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Black Bloc, Politics, Student Unions and tagged Anarchism, Anarchists, BlackBloc, Demonstrations, Mask, Montreal, Montreal Student Protests, Quebec Students, Student Protests, Université du Québec à Montréal. Bookmark the permalink. ← Occupy Canada Supports the 1%! […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]
[…] News Flash! No Wonder The Occupy Montreal Jail Solidarity Was So Dumb! (featuring Brandon Gray) (genuinewitty.com) […]