The International Socialists Want Violence In The Occupy Movement!

I’ve always felt some trepidation towards Fox News North– but, from time-to-time, they really hit the nail on the head. It was truly a difficult decision to publish this piece on my blog because it features ‘the devil incarnate’ for progressives, Andrew Breitbart

When Breitbart says “the anarchists and the socialists within would use their time-tested strategies of poking & prodding the police to create a Kent State moment” he is referring to the very same theories I’ve been referring to as Black Bloc and Trotskyist philosophies. And he’s right when he says they want a situation “where the police and the authorities overreacted to this innocent group of people…and use the International media to foment a revolution.”

Tear gas being shot at the students during the Kent State Massacre

This was filmed back in October, and he couldn’t have got things more right when he said that “they’re looking for a Rodney King incident.” They got that when the Trayvon Martin incident occurred. And, if you Google “Trayvon Martin” and “International Socialistsyou will find over 2600 hits! that this organization’s fingerprints are all over the “Million Hoodie March.”

Ezra Lavant mentions how the Mohawk Warriors had a significant presence at Occupy Toronto. I can confirm this, as I met many of them while I was researching OT’s sacred fire incidents (which I will write about in more depth later.) One of the more militant of the group was a close friend and associate of Kevin Annett is an International Socialist who played a con-game with the Indigenous community when he faked the discovery of a mass grave in Brantford, Ontario.

Jayson Fleury, Mohawk Warrior and associate of David Eby & Harsha Walia being arrested at Occupy Toronto

If I saw this video during the first couple weeks of the Canadian Occupy movement I would probably have laughed it off as a joke. But, each day I research into the players behind the Occupy movement, and the philosophies they are pushing, I become more convinced that this is true. Not to mention people like George Soros ‘predicting’ violence this summer.

It all began with David Eby, his connections with the Black Bloc and his history of cop-baiting. Then onto Toronto where I learned about Judy Rebick and her support of the leaders in the Black Bloc movement. And the latest, and probably most significant connection of Kevin Annett and his fraudulent bones.

So, dear Occupiers, I warn you to be very careful over the next few weeks. In particular, I suggest you are all very careful with your participation on May Day- I’ve heard rumours that there is a strong likelihood that useful idiots from the Black Bloc may show-up and raise some hell. Then, on June 21st, there is talk on the street that there will be a violent uprising of the Indigenous community- guns and all.

There is a popular Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times.” We are there now, let’s hope too many innocents don’t get hurt…

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    • Seriously? on April 24, 2012 at 14:39
    • Reply

    The Indigenous would be foolish to rise up with guns. That would cost them enough public support that the state could effectively end their movement. Any momentum they gained in Ipperwash would be lost and the state would meet them with overwhelming force. An ant that bites an elephant too hard gets crushed.

    1. I agree with you- entirely. I have put a lot of energy in relaying this to people in the local communities here in Ontario….

      The feedback I get is that, if the Canadian government uses deadly force against them, people & governments of other countries would rise-up and not allow them to continue. I totally disagree with this line of thinking- in fact, I believe that other governments will not issue complaints because they are equally concerned about their own populations rising-up with violence.

      But, it seems like Kevin Annett and people from the International Socialists are prodding them to rise-up and use violence. The ‘mass graves’ being investigated seem to be created to add fire to the flames of malcontent. This would be typical of Trotskyists, and I’m sure they would be overjoyed to see the government kill a few of them. It would give them the ammunition they need to get the general public angry and ready for a revolution. People like Dave Vasey & Krystalline Krause are busy trying to make this happen.

      We live in interesting times- let’s hope that the people who are being manipulated into this can see through the rhetoric and realize they are being used as ‘useful idiots.’ (another standard Marxist/Trotskyist concept…)

    • Seriously? on April 25, 2012 at 11:56
    • Reply

    The world would view the armed insurrection of the indigenous people as an unreasonable act. The Canadian population already is losing patience with some of them. The failure to abide by the law of the land in Caledonia when the courts reviewed the legitimacy of that old land sale didn’t help. The trillion dollar lawsuit in Brantford lost them credibility and they can’t get their own people to fully support some of their ideas. The only thing that keeps them in any position of political leverage now is the collective sense of the “white man’s” guilt. That, however, has limits. No one would come to their aid and the biggest kid on the block, who would have a potential mirrored problem, would certainly not support them. Even if a country took exception to anything the government did in response there is no way they would send armed troops into the US’s back yard. In the end the violence would only serve to reduce any success they may have gained to this point. To think that they could rise up and get reinforcements from outside the country is as smart as thinking the US government would have had french support in 1812. It doesn’t happen. Might some show up? They might if you count terrorist insurgents like they got in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can see how well that worked. Lots of dead insurgents, lots of dead innocents and zero positive results.

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