OccuPod Destroyed by Police: Naked Occupier Arrested in Dundas Square!



I believe it is coming to the time when Occupy Toronto need to re-think their OccuPod strategy. Because, this incident did very little good for their image…


Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/04/21/occupod-destroyed-by-police-naked-occupier-arrested-in-dundas-square/


    • Jack on May 22, 2013 at 02:56
    • Reply

    I think you misunderstand the “occupy” phenomenon. It isn’t a group with an image to ruin. And individuals in Occupods are not the Occupy Toronto entirety.

    1. I understand the Occupy ‘phenomenon’ quite well- I was one of the founding members of Occupy Vancouver. While what you are saying is entirely correct (Occupy is more of a loose collective than a group) that’s not how it looks to the general public- they don’t understand the Occupy phenomenon. All they saw was a man being pulled-out naked from the OccuPod (which I’ve been inside of several times, but everyone was dressed)- to them, this represented Occupy…

        • Jack on May 30, 2013 at 01:40
        • Reply

        People will certainly not get Mr. Erb’s message the way he sees it, they will see a naked man pulled from an OccuPod.

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