Dear Toronto Police Service, You know that I’m a pacifist! So, that you are sending officers to take pictures of me while I shared drinks with my friends at a pub yesterday literally turns my stomach. What the hell is wrong with you people?
April 2012 archive
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Apr 30
How To Start A Fake Revolution! The parallels in this theory with what has happened inside the Occupy movement are unnerving. But you know what is more unnerving? Having a look at the logos used by OPTOR in some of their colour revolutions!
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Apr 30
Why Is A Regional VP At OPSEU Making Videos About Free Trade? Perhaps I’m missing something here- but how does free trade affect the members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union? Shouldn’t Dave Lundy be busy representing his members rather than representing a partisan political issue like this?
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Apr 30
Japanese Anti-Nuclear Reggae Song! (which would be funny if it weren’t so sad)
This would be funny if it weren’t so damn sad… Related articles Japanese TV Show Films Plant Life Mutations In Tokyo! ( The Japanese Are Killing The Pacific Ocean… (
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Apr 30
The Most Solid Argument That The Police/Government Run The Black Bloc is… …the fact that Stimulator hasn’t been imprisoned yet. Because, aren’t there laws against inciting violence?
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