Another Indication Occupy Toronto Has Been Infiltrated…

An interesting posting from the Occupy Is An Inside Job Facebook Page I thought I’d share. Please share your thoughts with us…

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  1. Ive talked on the phone with Mike once and he seemed to have the pursuit of truth in his heart. I suppose we shall see in the end.

    1. We’ll see. I’ll withhold any judgement until more information comes in…

    • Lord Pori Pori on March 28, 2012 at 08:07
    • Reply

    Especially interesting since Bryan Batty deleted all Livestream videos at a later date.

      • Lord Pori Pori on March 28, 2012 at 08:51
      • Reply

      That being said, it’s probably a good thing that squat never happened.

    1. Livestream videos were deleted due to bandwidth and server space.

      Also the Design Exchange approached members of occupy TO’s facilitation – not including me. TSX does not own the DX. I also felt a little hesitant, and concerned. But the event did bring forward good ideas, however OT is incapable of actually implementing ideas.

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  5. […] Another Indication Occupy Toronto Has Been Infiltrated… ( Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Black Bloc, Canada, George Soros, George Soros, International Socialists, Judy Rebick, Marxism, NDP, No One Is Illegal, Occupy Movement, Occupy Toronto, Politics,, Violence and tagged Black Bloc, BlackBloc, Dave Vasey, Judy Rebick, Marxism, Occupy Movement, Occupy Toronto, Politics, Pottymouth, Sakura, Socialism, Steelworker, Steelworkers, Steelworkers Hall, Steelworkers Union, The 5%, Toronto, Unions, United Steelworkers, United Steelworkers Union, violence. Bookmark the permalink. ← Action Plan: Help Us Stop Kevin Annett’s Fraud! […]

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