Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie


Why does this seem so significant to me? The invitation to this event last year (sent by Kevin Annett) is below:

Occupy Vancouver voted against participation in this event- I was a big part of that. I argued quite passionately that most people in Vancouver, clergy & parishioners included, find what happened with the Residential Schools to be abhorrent, and invading a church would not help anyone. At best, it would make us all look like assholes- at worst, it could have a negative long-term effect on the Indigenous community’s fight to get fair compensation.

Kevin Annett issued a press release on the issue- and, as usual, he blamed the curtailment of OV’s participation on government agents! lol

Here are some of the responses from people inside Occupy Vancouver:

Calvin Ng’s Response

Cameron Bode’s 1st response

A later response by Cameron Bode

Rachael Hind’s response

So, does this mean that the above people (and me) are all government agents? ROTFL! Annett did an interesting interview with Ricky shortly before he died:



Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/03/17/occupy-vancouver-kevin-annett-knights-of-columbus-ricky/


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    • carollois65 on March 17, 2012 at 20:00
    • Reply

    Hi – I cannot find your name anywhere on this page, but I wanted to thank you for posting the interview Kevin did with Ricky. I also want to address your mockery of something you may have read and understood incompletely, however. You say above:
    “Kevin Annett issued a press release on the issue- and, as usual, he blamed the curtailment of OV’s participation on government agents! lol”
    … and further,
    “So, does this mean that the above people (and me) are all government agents? ROTFL!”

    No – of course not – if you follow your own link to the press release in question, you will see that he names two individuals specifically as agents and no-one else. I do know that these persons are agents, long history, and I have no way to “prove” it to you – what else can I say? I’m sure it looks quite laughable to anyone who has not run into this kind of thing before, but I’ve witnessed it first hand, many times over many years of working in this particular issue, and I know that it is real as well as very effective.
    Another thing I’d like to point out is that, of the responses you reposted above, the one at the end from Rachel Hind seems to me to be in support of the action and is actually in response to the comment at the top from Charles Ng, taking issue with something he wrote using his own words back at him.

    • Pte Hinsila Ska on July 24, 2012 at 11:50
    • Reply

    HELLO Carollois Annett. I know you are in good company with the criminally insane, but a cross dresser next…how many female aliases do you use from your library anyway.??..but that is not even the point. The ‘knowing from that shady insider sort of way but BEING ABLE TO PROVIDE NO PROOF- NOT NOW- NOT EVER that all who can expose you, are …..AGENTS’…THING YOU DO… My my, for the academic – THE RESEARCHER PAR EXCELLANCE who asks the world for the *caughs* NOBEL PEACE PRIZE….you can assure the same world that you are the expert on the Who’s Who of GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE, but can offer no proof AT ALL? IS it possible you have a mental illness by the name of paranoid borderline disorder? In obtaining my Masters in Jungian psychology, I was trained to process intake and evaluate possible diagnoses. This is my conclusion with regard to you. Unfortunately for the world, it has harmed the world. I agree with the United Church’s conclusion of 1995, and ask you to seek psychiatric help, before harming any more.

    • araa soma on December 20, 2014 at 13:49
    • Reply

    kevin is in fact a psycho and a CIA agent welll SAME thing

    1. I’m all with you on the former – the things Annett has done show no sign of sanity. That said, I’d be careful labeling Kevin as CIA (or anything else for that matter) until concrete evidence has been posted. Personally, from my research, I’d say that the odds are he’s not working for the Americans – his networks lead to other countries…

  1. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  2. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

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  4. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  5. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  6. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  7. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  8. […] Curiously, Kevin Annett is also a member of the International Socialists! Kevin also has deep connections to Harsha Walia through his work people in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side including Ricky Lavallie. […]

  9. […] Occupy Vancouver, Kevin Annett, Knights of Columbus & Ricky Lavallie (genuinewitty.com) […]

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