Alex Hundert Confesses His Crimes!

Hundert:Poster Boy for Stupid!

Thank you Alex! This information is going to your probation officer in the morning! You made it so easy for me, you’re amazing!

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  1. not sure which part of my bail conditions you think this breaches, or who you think my parole officer is that you might be able to contact them. but ive spoken with the cops a couple times since you called them on for (apparently reporting a non existent robbery, then those very same cops that you called threatened to arrest you for trespassing if you didnt leave, cause the people who had rented the room at the GSU asked you to leave after the GA voted to ban you, all live on livestream no less). I talked to the cops that night, and im pretty sure they are quite convinced that you are a wingnut, about which they would be right. that the cops took MY side over yours should tell you how woefully wrong you are about, well, just about everything. Further, the Bail Compliance Unit came by house this evening, and they dont give a fuck about you. The only ppl who care abt you are the wants who want you to fuck off. so please do. Im copying this comment and im gonna post it to facebook somewhere or other, cause i know you are too much of a coward to post any of my comments or respond to me directly online.

    1. Robbery? What are you talking about Zerot? Everything you just said was a lie. Regardless, you admitted to committing a crime against me, we will see what happens…

  2. still not sure what “crime” you think ive “admitted” to here. but i do know how out of touch w reality you are, so nothing you say or do is likely to surprise me at this point.

    1. Did you know that you leave your IP address behind whenever you post Alex? Which means that the other posting you left (you know which one) also leaves your IP address! Gotcha!

  3. i did know that greg. i also know that i havent actually breached my bail, and that you are totally out of touch w reality. if yo had “better evidence” it’d already be up on your blog. you’re delusional, and im gonna stop bothering w this thread until you can actually answer the question posed in the last post. who isnt providing evidence of their claims now? #gobacktotheconspiracychatroomswhereyoubelong

    1. Alex, you are a douchebag. No use arguing it, we’ll see what your parole officer has to say. But, I’m sure that it is contrary to your release agreement that you attend activist meetings and use violence…

  4. again, not sure in what way i attended that meeting (i spent most of the night on the patio of the grad pub with a beer in my hand), or what “violence” you think happened that night, but i do know how out of touch w reality you are, so maybe you think that what happened does count as “violence”, maybe you’re life has really been that sheltered and privileged that being simply told you couldn’t come inside meant to you that you were being assaulted. but the truth is, nothing serious happened till you called the cops, and then THEY MADE YOU LEAVE CAUSE YOU WERE TRESPASSING.

    this is all kinda sad though, cause many of us have come to realise that you are just a scared little man, trapped in a big scary man’s body, and it must be really jarring and settling and upsetting to have to live your life like that, and normally i would have a lot of sympathy for you, but you are scarring people, and it has to stop.

    greg, please take this as the moment in time to realise that, sooner or later, if you continue top escalate this and to also try to involve the police in this, what is likely to happen will be a series of restraining orders against you, and absolutely no legal ramifications for me, because unlike you, i haven’t been stalking or harassing people, nor have i done anything violent (again, unlike you). you’ve gotten yourself in over your head and id like to give you this opportunity to back out of this situation with what little dignity you have left.

    1. Alex, it is nice to see you are one of the trending contributors to my blog! So nice to see you care…

      Your probation office opens in 24 minutes. I’ll be calling then!

  5. Hey, Alex, how far do you think you and your bloc heads would get with me if you tried that same tactic ? You targeted Greg because you suspected that he would not capitulate ( oops sorry for using a big and intellectual sounding word ) to your use and advocacy of violence . However , my felonious ( dang, there I go with the big words again ) friend , my advice to you, don’t make a habit of trying this again. You sir are nothing but a coward for the actions you took against Greg . REAL activists don’t resort to crime and violence to get their message across . REAL activists respect the law, respect others opinions, and are very open to dialogue as a means to effect change. You are clearly neither of those. Indeed Alex, by your very actions, you have proven conclusively that you are nothing more than a glorified thug who has to hide behind masks and disguises to perpetuate your brand of hate , violence and criminality, Do you even know any more what you are advocating or protesting for / about, or, are just one those people who is so unemployable that you are simply a professional protester because you have no better ways to make use of your time?

  6. that comment should have read as follows:

    again, not sure in what way i attended that meeting (given that i spent most of the night on the patio of the grad pub with a beer in my hand, and the rest of it talking to either you or the cops–all outside the building), or what “violence” you think happened that night, but i do know how out of touch w reality you are, so maybe you think that what happened does count as “violence”, maybe your life has really been that sheltered and privileged, that being simply told you couldn’t come inside meant to you that you were being assaulted somehow. but the truth is, nothing serious happened till you called the cops, and then THEY MADE YOU LEAVE CAUSE YOU WERE TRESPASSING.

    this is all kinda sad though, cause many of us have come to realise that you are just a scared little man, trapped in a big scary man’s body, and it must be really jarring and unsettling and upsetting to have to live your life like that, and normally i would have a lot of sympathy for you, but you are scarring people, and it has to stop.

    greg, please take this as the moment in time to realise that, sooner or later, if you continue to escalate this and to also try to involve the police, things will likely end much worse for you than for anyone else, because unlike you, i haven’t been stalking or harassing people, nor have i done anything violent (again, unlike you). you’ve gotten yourself in over your head and id like to give you this opportunity to back out of this situation with what little dignity you have left.

    1. Okay, then put your money where your mouth is Alex. If you end-up back in jail, let me come visit okay?

    • Bonnie Dillinger on March 12, 2012 at 09:04
    • Reply

    Greg you serve up unjust behaviour cast upon you in a way that can be compared to none. Maybe if Alex had been more apologetic like he was at the start of his post, the two of you could have worked it out. Instead, he came at you in the end of his statement with an attack of the already non proven LIES about your character. And the probation office does open at 9am. that is a fact.

    • Bonnie Dillinger on March 12, 2012 at 09:58
    • Reply

    @ Greg in this case, its not appropriate for Alex to be condifered a douchebag. The most relevant thing you could refer to is a colostomy bag, because i’ll bet someones shitting themselves as i type this!!!!

  7. still no word from the “parole/probation office”? gonna shift your legal threats back over to someone else cause taking me on doesn’t fit w your misogyny?

    think you’re so smart declaring “victory” in some mythical secret attack? you’ve made three guesses now; you sure you know who is behind the page, fb and twitter? have you ever considered that the whole thing might have nothing to do w deceiving you, and actually be about warning ppl that you are creeping the occupy scene, harassing women, and a general threat to community safety and security?

    i strongly suggest you quit while you;re ahead. you seem to be down to less than half a dozen people who take you seriously. you’re about to find yourself all alone, a sad scared little man trapped in a big scary man’s body.

    #back to theconspiracychatroomswhereyoubelong

  8. you know how i know you’re just a scared little man? …cause you haven’t posted my last comments… cause you’re too scared to take me on, so you’re going after others who have no interest in fucking around w you… cause you’ve regressed to the most simplistic and foolish of conspiracy theories… cause if this all really had anything to do w some semi-legitimate concern about the black bloc, rather than your own misogynistic dimensia, you would have mademe your primary target the second I engaged with you … but no; instead you’ve bullied and harassed a string of other, busy people with better things to do than fuck around with you. you want to argue about the black bloc? im right here, with lots of time on my hands. you want to stalk, intimidate and harass women? well, thats over; you’re done here.

    1. Look, Zerot, yu need to have some patience dude! You will need that when you get to prison! Lol

      I was busy with something more important than you (yes, that is possible, lol). That said, you bore me- a battle of wits is wholly unsatisfactory with an unarmed “man”. So, in future, your comments will be automatically directed to the spam box.

      And, as for my discussion about you with the authorities? Wouldn’t you like to know….. Lol

    • brotherwolf1 on March 15, 2012 at 09:51
    • Reply

    The spam box is exactly where his crap belongs…..

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