Last night, at just before midnight, vans loaded with police arrived at St. Paul’s Cathedral in the City of London and began the task of clearing out several dozen remaining Occupiers.
- Aren’t they breaking the law handling property like this?
Some of the Occupiers barricaded themselves behind pallets, some climbed up to the roof of the cathedral, and one even climbed up a tree- reminiscent of the evacuation here in Toronto. Police officers, dressed in riot gear, pulled the Occupiers out using force- but, no serious violence was used, and about 20 people were arrested.
The only real atrocity of the event (besides shutting down the occupation, of course) was that bailiffs took the Occupier’s personal property and threw it into the back of a garbage trucks- ignoring requirements that they should have stored and catalogued their possessions.
Occupy London had been camping in front of the church since mid-October. It was one of the longest-lasting occupations to-date.
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