Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello


This is real folks- in Canada, our government have been using Black Bloc tactics to discredit protest movements. We need a national inquiry!

Equally, the Occupy movement should not tolerate Black Bloc tactics- they enable the police to infiltrate us…

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/01/31/police-caught-as-agent-provocateursblack-bloc-in-montebello/


4 pings

  1. I’ve heard rumors and read a couple of articles about such black propaganda’s. I wonder if the allegations are true, the government should conduct an open investigation so everything can be cleared.

  2. This incident is true, and was well covered by the Canadian media. It is unfortunate to see such things in Canada- disillusioning…

  1. […] Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  2. […] that details how Black Bloc tactics are hurting the movement. The video begins with images of the G8 in Montebello Quebec- where the Quebec Provincial Police infiltrated the demonstrators and tried to incite […]

  3. […] Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

  4. […] Police Caught as Agent Provocateurs/Black Bloc in Montebello (genuinewitty.wordpress.com) […]

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