Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian…

Thugs in whatever country they are operating out of...

With a follow-up article of theirs: Black Bloc, Leftism or Laddism?

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  1. […] Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian… ( […]

  2. […] Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian… ( Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in #KeepingItClassy, Anti-Violence, Black Bloc, British Columbia, Canada, Chris Waddell, Conspiracy, Council of Canadians, David Eby, FAIL, Kingsway Mafia, NDP, Occupy Movement, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Vancouver, Olympics, Politics, Terrorism, Vancouver, Violence, VPD and tagged Black Bloc, Canada, Council of Canadians, Criminal Inquiry, crooksandliars, Jon Stewart, national inquiry, Occupy Vancouver, Terrorism, Terrorists, Thom Hartmann, Tina Dupuy, Vancouver, Zapatistas. Bookmark the permalink. ← Another Letter to Garry Neil at The Council Of Canadians […]

  3. […] Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian… ( Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Anonymous, Black Bloc, Bob Ages, Conspiracy, FAIL, Occupy Denver, Occupy Movement, Occupy Vancouver, Violence and tagged anonymous, Black Bloc, Demonstration, Demonstrators, G8, Montebello, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, Politics, Protest, Quebec, Quebec Provincial Police, Revolution, violence. Bookmark the permalink. ← Video of the Oakland Black Block Attack on Whole Foods in November […]

  4. […] Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian… ( Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailStumbleUponPrintTumblrRedditPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in #KeepingItClassy and tagged Black Bloc, Canada, Council of Canadians, CUPE, Ian Hanomansing, Judy Rebick, Krystalline Kraus,, Toronto, Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal Health. Bookmark the permalink. ← My Response to Accusations Made on Occupy Toronto Facebook Pages […]

  5. […] Some Commentary on the Black Bloc From The Guardian… ( […]

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