November 2011 archive

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Perhaps I am just naive but, when I joined Occupy Vancouver, I truly never thought people there would believe stuff like this. Nor did I believe that 15 of them would re-tweet it! Can someone please explain to me how one could imagine such a statement as being valid?

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Occupy Vancouver is About Benefits, Not Risks

by #OccupyVancouver Official Media Releases on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 12:09pm  Occupy Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, November 11, 2011 – Vancouver Fire Chief John McKearney said after a site inspection Thursday that Occupy Vancouver is close to conforming to Wednesday’s court directive to improve fire safety. VFRS officials visited the site again Friday afternoon to …

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Something Good Occupy Vancouver stands for!

Beyond all of the silliness of the Tent Council, and people who like to dress-up like ninja’s, Occupy Vancouver has real meaning. It is a shame the above mentioned people have to destroy that… Here’s a Media Release just out from OV, that I stand behind 110%! ———————————- For Immediate Release ———————————- MEDIA COMMUNICATION — …

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The Case of the 99% vs the 99%

One of the things that has astounded me about the Tent Council, among many, is their lack of cooperation with the Fire Department. Particularly, because most of them are working people, and most consider themselves to be members of the 99%. Back in the first week, I heard the VFD talking amongst themselves in fear that the …

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Hijacked! Occupy Vancouver 1.0 no longer belongs to the 99%…

One month ago today I was sitting at the same place writing Activists & Buggy Whips, a paper that came out of the frustration of how the many people organizing Occupy Vancouver had refused to use the word ‘denounce’ in reference to violence. I was confounded at the time, had no idea why this simple …

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