One of the more interesting under-reported stories that happened in Vancouver this year was the story of the MCP Altona. The ship left Vancouver on December 23, 2010 carrying a shipment of 350 tonnes of Uranium Concentrate- more commonly known as ‘yellowcake’. I was shocked when I heard this- thought Vancouver was a nuclear free …
November 2011 archive
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Nov 27
Occupy Condos: Take the Pantages!
I’ve been hesitating to endorse this action- the person who setup the Facebook ‘event’ publicly made fun of me for the fact my last relationship weathered poorly through my involvement in the Occupy movement. That said, I can’t let Harsha Walia’s personal attacks effect my feeling’s on Vancouver’s gentrification issues. And, besides, Lauren Gill is …
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Nov 27
Grey Cup: Results of the 99% vs 1% Game!
Occupy Vancouver continues to live- despite Mayor Plasticman’s efforts to quell our speech! Today we held the Grey Cup game of the 99% vs the 1%! Mathew was the referee and he did his job well- but, unfortunately, most of the 99% were lost thinking of the glory of the leaky-roofed Colosseum and they missed their own …
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Nov 26
99% play 1% in the Income Disparity Cup Football Championship! (Note: Time Correction!)
Meet at the Art Gallery on Sunday at 2:30 pm to head on down for some sporting, awareness raising fun! We will march, sing, cheer lead and drum our way to BC Place. Referee (and tireless Occupy Medic) Mathew will outline the (obviously fair and balanced, just like Fox news!) rules for 1% vs 99% …
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Nov 26
What did I do to celebrate a successful #OccupyHarper? Just Dance!
Last night a friend invited me out to a unique experience- one that will be forever part of my life now. We went to Just Dance! Here’s an outline if what its all about from their website: “Just Dance is a positive party community event. It offers a unique opportunity to dance to an eclectic …
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