Occupy Harper & Christy’s Photo Op!

We found out this morning that the Prime Borgmeister Harper is coming to Vancouver tomorrow for a photo op at Science World! And, apparently, Christy Clark will be there too!


So, of course, we at Occupy Vancouver have been busy gathering people together for an event!  Come tomorrow, starting at noon! Bring something to make lots of noise with- pots, pans,  megaphones, children!

Make big, provocative, signs- something for the press to take pictures of- this will be our photo op too!

This will be a non-violent event- and there will, undoubtedly, be a lot of press! (Photo ops work that way, lol)  Here’s a link to the Facebook invitation:


And, a link to a map for those who have never seen the big silver dome near Vancity HQ! View Map

Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2011/11/24/occupy-harpers-photo-op/


  1. Bring your rubber boots (and a snorkel, it’s soaked!). See you there.

  2. Raincoaster. Still working on the tall sized smurf costume too!

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