Civil Liberties, Politics, Ninjas & Cream Pies!

David Eby: Got a cream pie in his face

David Eby: Got a cream pie in his face

Shortly after the Olympics, Vancouver was entertained with a type of event I’ll label ‘Ninja theater’. Two participants of Occupy Vancouver were victims of a vicious cream pie attack by Black Bloc apologists…

The attack was intended for David Eby, the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association. He was accompanied by Chris Shaw, UBC Professor, author of anti-Olympic book Five Ring Circus, and a candidate for today’s election!

Eby & Shaw share at least four commonalities- both were involved in anti-Olympic protests, both are involved in Occupy Vancouver, both have spoke out against the Heart Attack incident, and both have had to brush cream pie off of themselves after a (supposed) Black Bloc retaliation.

I wonder what they have to say about our ninjas? Chris Shaw was the first to speak-out last weekend when I asked a panel of candidates if we should use riot squads to shutdown OV. His answer was quick, and the same as the other candidates- A Resounding No!

Guys, can you throw in a word or two about your opinion on the appearance of Black Bloc at OV a couple weeks ago? Why were they there, and how do we make sure they are gone?

That’s how my eyes go too!

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  1. Update: David Eby has refused to make a statement! Mike P Hager of the #SunVince has agreed to investigate!

  2. Come on, Greg. Black Bloc was there two weeks ago. We cut their balls off in social media and they skittered away. I don’t anticipate any action from them at Occupy Vancouver, and if I’m wrong they are so clearly NOT Occupy Vancouver that they will be marginalized by participants and the police will deal with them as a separate Bloc entirely.

  3. Raincoaster,

    #BlackBloc will be with us until our society has identified a just and equitable situation for all. Despite the name, they are not a German invention- they have been with us since the first time one person took advantage of another!

    It would be crazy to say they can’t be part of this revolution- metaphorically, they are the fucking revolution!

    All I ask is that they realize when they are being manipulated for the purpose of the 1%…


    p.s. Still looking for the right-sized Smurf costume! ;-)

  4. Here’s an old story on some of the background behind the pie…

  5. I hate getting hijacked to your blog. Quality is poor. Perhaps activism is not the sport for you. You are devisive and misguided. Why don’t you listen more than speak!

    1. The people who are being divisive (notice I spelled this word correctly) are those who are making the 99% feel unwelcome or unsafe to attend Occupy Vancouver. Anyone who understands our mandate is behind me. Those who are trying to divide us from the 99% are working to discredit the movement…

  1. […] David Eby & Chris Shaw! Why won’t you make a statement about the ninjas who showed-up at Occupy Vancouver? Are you afraid they will use a horse sperm pie this time? Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Occupy Harper’s Photo Op! […]

  2. […] Comments genuinewitty on Civil Liberties, Politics, Nin…G (@VancouverBlues) on Civil Liberties, Politics, Nin…genuinewitty on Civil Liberties, […]

  3. […] the vast majority of people at Occupy Vancouver are not ninjas, nor do they support their actions. David Eby of the BCCLA (and a former NDP candidate who ran against Christy Clark) is supposedly an […]

  4. […] Intrepid renouncer of Ninjas and defender of DTES civil rights David Eby had to endure drinking Bread Garden wine after his flight was delayed. This presumably coming home from what he reported as a trip to Prince George. […]

  5. […] letter writing campaign was a success! Davie Eby, retired ninja hunter, and beloved politician (dressed in civil libertarian clothes) spoke out against the televising of […]

  6. […] I have no understanding of anyone’s motivations- but, historically, it is a fact that the CoC became deeply involved with less peaceful elements during the Olympic demonstrations. This resulted in an Olympian class disaster- the movement died down quickly after people dressed as Black Bloc thugs smashed the windows at The Bay. Something fundamentally wrong about this action, is that it had an anti-colonial message- yet The Bay was owned by Lord & Taylor, a US retail chain! David Eby and Chris Shaw criticized this action and were consequently hit by a pie. Yet not a squeak out of either of them. Eby & Shaw Black Bloc Cream Pie […]

  7. […] Eby is well-known as one of the city’s leading cop haters, As you’ve seen with his connections to the Black Bloc during the Olympics, his close relationship to Harsha Walia, his refusal to stand-up against the […]

  8. […] vicious attack on my personal life that has since been disproved. Stainsby is also the person who threw a pie in David Eby’s face at the end of the Olympics in what looks like a sarcastic ploy to separate Eby from the political […]

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